13 May PowerShell configuration of Azure Virtual Networks and Subnets
Subnets and Azure Virtual Networks (VNets) are the structural pillars of Azure network. They build the bottom layer of the network that allows Azure resources (such as virtual machines and databases) to talk to one another. Today, we will look at utilizing PowerShell for managing and configuring Azure Virtual Networks and Subnets.
Creating a Proper Setting
We’ll start by checking that you’re signed into Azure and have the Azure PowerShell module installed. To add the Azure PowerShell module, if you haven’t already, and then connect to your Azure account:
Install-Module -Name Az -AllowClobber
Creating an Azure Virtual Network
Azure Virtual Network (VNet) is the basic building block for your private network in Azure. It gives you a place to run your virtual machines and apps that is separate and safe. VNet lets many different kinds of Azure services, like Azure Virtual Machines (VM), safely talk to each other, the internet and networks on-premises. VNet is like a standard network you’d run in your own data center, but it comes with extra benefits from Azure’s infrastructure, such as the ability to grow, be available at all times and keep things separate.
When everything is ready, you may create a new Virtual Network. The parameters of this command are:
- “ResourceGroupName” (the resource group where the VNET will be created),
- “VNetName” (the VNET’s name),
- “” (the address prefix),
- and “West US” (the VNET’s location).
The procedure is as follows:
New-AzVirtualNetwork -ResourceGroupName "ResourceGroupName" -Name "VNetName" -AddressPrefix "" -Location "West US"
Adding a Subnet to the Virtual Network
After creating the Virtual Network, you can add a subnet to it.
Subnets in Azure work the same way as subnets in a regular network. They let you divide the IP address space of a network into smaller pieces. This can help with setting up and protecting a network.
When you set up a VNet, you must choose an address range from which it will get its own private IP address space. Subnets are smaller groups of IP addresses that make up a VNet. Each subnet is made up of a set of IP addresses that are all in the same area within the VNet.Subnets help you divide the network into different parts, improve security, and control traffic. For example, you can divide network traffic by making one region for your front-end applications and another for your back-end systems. You can also protect the resources on a subnet by using network security group rules at the subnet level.
Use this command:
$vnetvar = Get-AzVirtualNetwork -ResourceGroupName "ResourceGroupName" -Name "VNetName"
Add-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig -Name "SubnetName" -AddressPrefix "" -VirtualNetwork $vnetvar
$vnetvar | Set-AzVirtualNetwork
When it comes to organizing and controlling Azure resources, virtual networks and subnets are crucial. PowerShell allows you to simplify and automate these networking processes, allowing for more consistent deployments and the saving of critical time.
In this tutorial, we covered the fundamentals of working with PowerShell to manage Azure Virtual Networks and Subnets. Automating your Azure networking operations with these commands is a great way to save time and effort.
Keep in mind that these are simply the fundamentals. There are a wide variety of additional PowerShell commands available for configuring networks in Azure. You’ll discover that PowerShell is a fantastic resource for controlling your Azure resources as your knowledge of it grows.
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