17 Jan Configuring Azure DDoS Protection with PowerShell
Ensuring the security of your cloud infrastructure is paramount. Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks pose a significant threat to the availability and performance of your applications. Microsoft Azure provides robust DDoS protection services to safeguard your network against these malicious attacks. This blog post will explore how to configure Azure DDoS Protection using PowerShell, enabling you to automate and streamline your network security efforts.
Azure DDoS Protection
Azure DDoS Protection helps protect your applications by monitoring traffic and mitigating DDoS attacks. Azure provides two tiers of DDoS Protection:
- Basic: Automatically enabled as part of the Azure platform, providing protection against common network layer attacks.
- Standard: Provides additional mitigation capabilities tuned specifically to Azure resources, application-level protection, and attack analytics.
Why Use PowerShell for Azure DDoS Protection?
PowerShell offers a powerful and flexible way to automate the configuration and management of Azure DDoS Protection. By using PowerShell scripts, you can ensure consistent security settings across your environment, quickly apply changes, and integrate DDoS protection into your broader infrastructure as code practices.
Configuring Azure DDoS Protection with PowerShell
Before configuring Azure DDoS Protection, you need to connect to your Azure account using PowerShell.
# Connect to Azure
Create a Resource Group
Create a resource group to hold your DDoS Protection plan and other related resources.
# Define parameters
$resourceGroupName = 'GarsonResourceGroup'
$location = 'West Europe'
# Create a resource group
New-AzResourceGroup -Name $resourceGroupName -Location $location
Create a Virtual Network
Create a virtual network (VNet) where your resources will reside. This VNet will be protected by Azure DDoS Protection.
# Define VNet parameters
$vnetName = 'GarsonVNet'
$addressSpace = ''
# Create a virtual network
$vnet = New-AzVirtualNetwork -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -Location $location -Name $vnetName -AddressPrefix $addressSpace
Enable Azure DDoS Protection Standard
Create a DDoS Protection plan and associate it with your virtual network.
# Define DDoS Protection plan parameters
$ddosPlanName = 'GarsonDDoSProtectionPlan'
# Create a DDoS Protection plan
$ddosPlan = New-AzDdosProtectionPlan -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -Location $location -Name $ddosPlanName
# Associate the DDoS Protection plan with the VNet
$vnet.DdosProtectionPlan = $ddosPlan
$vnet.EnableDdosProtection = $true
$vnet | Set-AzVirtualNetwork
Configure Diagnostic Settings
Enable diagnostics to monitor and analyze DDoS protection metrics.
# Define diagnostic settings parameters
$workspaceName = 'GarsonLogAnalyticsWorkspace'
$workspaceResourceGroup = $resourceGroupName
$logAnalyticsWorkspace = Get-AzOperationalInsightsWorkspace -ResourceGroupName $workspaceResourceGroup -Name $workspaceName
$diagnosticSettingsName = 'DDoSProtectionDiagnostics'
# Configure diagnostic settings
Set-AzDiagnosticSetting -ResourceId $ddosPlan.Id -WorkspaceId $logAnalyticsWorkspace.ResourceId -Name $diagnosticSettingsName -Enabled $true -Category @('DDoSProtectionNotifications', 'DDoSProtectionMitigations') -RetentionInDays 30
If you wish to start you journey from beggining check out how to start with Powershell in Azure:
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